finden Austausch Jagd:

Benutzer suchen

SE Sweden nyköping

Mein Jagdangebot:    Europäischer Biber , Europäischer Dachs , Damhirsch , Stockente , Rotfuchs , Wildschwein

ich möchte jagen:    Alpenmurmeltier , Gämse , Wildkaninchen , Hausziege , Muntjak , Waschbär , Marderhund , Sibirischer Steinbock , Sikahirsch , 139 , 140 , Weißwedelhirsch

I can offer hunt on wildboar, beaver, fallow deer and different kinds of gamebirds. You will hunt as my friend and not as i client and I expect the same treatment in return. Accommodation will be arranged. I´m interesting in all kind of hunting and as mutch in new places and new culture so don´t hesitate if you have anything to offer. I´m not looking for top class medals, just for good trip with the posibility of shooting game that we do not have in Sweden.

ich spreche die Sprache:    Deutsch , Englisch
