About us

Dein Traum, fast kostenlos erfüllbar!

Es gibt in deinem Revier Rot-, Muffel- oder Gamswild, genügend Niederwild oder seid Ihr fähig eine tolle Angeltour zu organisieren? Möchtest du gerne Elch, Bär oder einen Sikahirsch erlegen? Man muss nicht immer die teure Jagdreise bezahlen, es findet sich immer jemand in Europa oder weltweit, der so wie du, gerne woanders jagen möchte! Die TAUSCHJAGD ist die ideale Lösung! Wie funktioniert es? Ganz einfach:

Die Tauschjagd funktioniert ganz einfach – Du bietest deiner Gegenseite ein tolles Jagd- oder Angelerlebnis oder eine Hüttenverleihung kostenlos und die Gegenseite wird das gleiche für dich in seinem Jagdrevier organisieren. Die Grundidee ist, dass der Abschuss, die Trophäe und die Unterkunft kostenlos sind. Du musst nur die Reisekosten bezahlen! Alles hängt natürlich von der Vereinbarung zwischen beiden Seiten ab.

Gemäß unseren Erfahrungen kann man z.B. an einer 10-tägigen Elch- oder Auerhahnjagd in Schweden oder an einer Sikajagd in Irland teilnehmen und das alles nur zum Preis eines Flugtickets! Zusätzlich lernst du neue Jagdfreunde und deren Art zu jagen kennen – schon häufig haben sich daraus lange Freundschaften entwickelt.

Wenn du also die Möglichkeit einer Jagd- oder Angelreise hast oder im Besitz einer Jagdhütte oder etwas Vergleichbares bist, was für andere Jäger interessant sein könnte, biete es einfach auf unserer Internetseite an.

Oder gib eine Nachfrage auf und suche in unserer Datenbank gerade das, was du suchst! Je mehr solcher Nachfragen und Angebote vorliegen desto besser und größer sind die Chancen auf Erfolg! Wenn du Fragen oder Probleme hast, wende dich einfach an uns. Gerne sind wir auch bei der Kontaktaufnahme oder möglichen Sprachproblemen behilflich.


Mezinárodní klub výměnných lovů o.s., Haškova 529, 403 17 Chabařovice


František Štolfa (1974, Czech Republic) – Chairman of the club


František Štolfa

With the hunting, especially with the walking in the nature, I began as a kid. Together with our second deputy of chairman Pavel we were attanding the club of the young hunters and there we spent nearly all free time. I passed the hunting exams in 1991 and started as a novice then as the member of the hunting association in Krušné hory in the Czech Republic. The exchange hunts I have searched via various type of the hunting servers as well as the most of us. Because of this effort I could experienced amazing moments during the hunting and fishing in Sweden, Ireland, Germany, in the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic as well. Mainly I gained many real friends including the others from the club management and I consider this as the biggest benefit of the Exchange hunts.

Karel Gränz (1977, Česká republika) – 1st Vice - Chairman deputy


Karel Gränz

The family tradition brought me the hunting to my life and also the natural love to the nature and it is due to my home full of wonderful ponds and forests as well. As a child I was visiting with my father and brother the surrounding forests, I participated in almost every organized events from our hunting society and thanks to my fathers support I recognized more and more from hunting and nature, into which I fell in love.

I received the hunting licence immediatelly when I was 18 years old and since this time the hunting is definitely the main hobby for me. The first exchange hunt I experienced with my brother and his Swedish friend few years ago. Since this moment I visited Sweden several times, as well as Finland, Denmark, Austria and Slovakia. I enjoyed there not only wonderful moments during the hunting, I knew more my greatest friend from the club with whom I regularly see. This I consider as one of the greatest benefits of the Exchange hunts.

In this time I intensivelly spend my free time with the hunting, as well as with the hunting kynology and with my hunting dogs. I am the member of the hunting society in my home town in the South of Moravia.

My position is the 1st vice - chairman in the World Exchange Hunt Club.

Pavel Sobotka (1973, Czech Republic) – 2nd Vice - Chairman


Pavel Sobotka

The self-interest in the nature and the meeting with the nice people led me to become a hunter, it wasn´t the family traditions. As a boy I was exploring the nature in the fields close the Krušné hory Mountains. My parents were in good friendship with one hunter who was willing to spend the time with the 13 years old boy. With the first hunt the lifelong love was born. My next steps went to the club of young hunters and the conservationist , next was the hunting competition for children and last but not least tanhks my big friend, our chairman František for his big support. We enjoyed the first experiences together in the Krušné hory mountains.

František showed me the possibilities with the exchange hunts. It is not suprising that the first exchange hunt we realised together. The next experience was the elk hunting in Sweden.

Today I enjoy the hunting during my free time. I´m the member of the hunting society. I ´m living with my family, my wife and son in the South of Bohemia. In the World Exchange Hunt Club I have been elected as the 2nd Chairman deputy.

Daniel Pavlík (1975, Slovak Republic) – Founding member of the club


Daniel Pavlík

The family tradition led me to the hunting and to the love of the nature. My grandfather was the founding member of the hunting associations in our community and for many years he became as the leader of hunting society, nowadays my father continues as the leader as well and practically all his free time is concentrated to the care of the animals and hunting. I was led to this noble activity from the childhood and the hunting become my life´s hobby. Fortunately we live and hunt in the area of the western Slovakia close to Malé Karpaty, which is rich for the nature beauties and the species diversity of the hunting animals as well.

The new friendships and the hunting websites led me to found the exchange hunts. Thanks to this Exchange hunts I have discovered till this moment unsuspected possibilities and I could enjoy the dreamed hunting experiences in the reality. I was invited to my first duck hunting to the Moravian ponds, where I could see the unforgetable wild duck and goose hunting. I got the next experience from the exchange hunting of capercailie and black cock behind the polar Circle in Lapland on the North of Finland. My big advanture was the hunting of the sika deer in the western part of the Czech Republic. Several times a year we hunt the small animals (rabbits, pheasants) in Moravia and South of Slovakia.

Thanks to Exchange hunts I have seen the new countries and I had the possibilities to hunt for me the exotic animals, but I could find a lot of new friends with whom we are connected and interested in the same hobby the lifestyle which is closely connected with the nature. I have two hunting dogs Bavarian bloodhound and Border terrier. Besides the hunting I am also the sports fisherman. I relax in the nature where I prefer the active feeder fishing.

Today I hunt nearly all my free time. I am the member of the hunting society in our village. In the World Exchange Hunt Club I perform the function of the official representative in the Slovak Republic.
