United Kingdom (the) Ballyronan
Mein Jagdangebot: Kanadagans , Fasan , Wildkaninchen , Damhirsch , Hausziege , Graugans , Stockente , Rothirsch , Rotfuchs , Sikahirsch , Ringeltaube , Waldschnepfe , Fischfang , Wochenendhaus
ich möchte jagen: 10 , Birkhuhn , Blessbock , Auerhuhn , Gämse , Spiessbock , Graugans , ibex , Impala , Grosser Kudu , Kleier Kudu , Elch , Europäischer Mufflon , Maultierhirsch , Muntjak , Nilgauantilope , Rothirsch , Kuhantilope , Ren , Sambar , Springbock , Weißwedelhirsch
I can offer diving ducks (scaup, pochard, tufted and goldeneye) along with mallard. I can also offer rabbits in day and night, woodcock and snipe and Foxes using a lamp. I can provide accommodation and transport from airports or docks.
ich spreche die Sprache: Englisch