finden Austausch Jagd:

Benutzer suchen

FI Finland Helsinki

Mein Jagdangebot:    Europäischer Biber , Europäischer Dachs , Feldhase , Rebhuhn , Haselhuhn , Stockente , Elch , Marderhund , Rotfuchs , Reh , Wildschwein , Ringeltaube , Waldschnepfe

ich möchte jagen:    Gämse , Hausziege , Sikahirsch , Truthuhn

Hey, I have an estate / hunting cottage with a sauna in central Estonia with access to a large hunting area (about 15 000 ha). Can accommodate 1-2 guest hunters. There are plenty of small prey (fox, beaver, rabbit) and different birds to hunt, eg. ducks, pigeons, geese (October), on larger prey roe deer, wild boar and moose (calling or driven hunt). Hunting is mainly done by walking and stalking (which also is my preferred way) and season permitting if an opportunity rises, a shot can be taken. I may also be able to offer grey seal hunting experience near Helsinki, Finland (very demanding, time consuming and especially weather dependent).

ich spreche die Sprache:    Englisch
