finden Austausch Jagd:

Benutzer suchen

CZ Czech Republic (the) South Moravia, Highland

Mein Jagdangebot:    Damhirsch , Europäischer Mufflon , Reh , Wildschwein

ich möchte jagen:    Amerikanischer Schwarzbär , Gämse , Wapiti , ibex , Elch , Gabelbock

I am offering a trophy mouflon hunt (medal trophies or even representative trophies). Additionally, possible hunts include European wild boars and roe deer. Hunting methods include walk and stalk, high seat hunting, as well as both day and night hunts. I have several years of experience in guiding across Europe and Africa. I guarantee fair dealings and an unforgettable hunting experience. Field preparation and final taxidermy services can be arranged.

ich spreche die Sprache:    Tschechisch , Englisch
