United Kingdom (the) Preston
Mein Jagdangebot: Kanadagans , Fasan , Feldhase , Wildkaninchen , Damhirsch , Stockente , Rothuhn , Rothirsch , Rotfuchs , Reh , Ringeltaube , Waldschnepfe
ich möchte jagen: Wildziege , Amerikanischer Schwarzbär , Birkhuhn , Auerhuhn , Gämse , Wachtel , 54 , Europäischer Dachs , Wisent , Hausziege , Wolf , ibex , Elch , Europäischer Mufflon , Schneehase , Ren , Sikahirsch , 139 , 140 , Schneeschaf , Wildschwein
Hi, My friend and I have lots of access to hunting ground in the UK and Scotland. We have abundant Canada Goose, Pigeon, Pheasant, Rabbit, Hare, Duck, Partridge, Woodcock and Snipe shooting in England. Roe, Fallow and Red deer in Scotland with access to rabbit shooting and the occasional fox also in Scotland. We're looking to swap for some shooting on the continent with species we don't have. If anyone is interested in a swap drop me an email. Thanks! Nathan.
ich spreche die Sprache: Englisch