finden Austausch Jagd:

Benutzer suchen

AT Austria Carinthia

Mein Jagdangebot:    Alpenmurmeltier , Birkhuhn , Auerhuhn , Gämse , Wildkaninchen , Haselhuhn , Rothirsch , Rotfuchs , Reh

ich möchte jagen:    Schneeziege , Argali , Axishirsch , Wildziege , Dickhornschaf , Kanadischer Luchs , Gämse , Wasserreh , Puma , Dall-Schaf , Wapiti , 54 , Damhirsch , Schraubenziege , Elch , Europäischer Mufflon , Muntjak , Waschbär , Sibirischer Steinbock , Sibirisches Reh , Schneeschaf

Hello from Austria. I have my own hunting area in the Austrian alps where I have different species to hunt. My hunting area is very good for hunting chamois, the season for them starts in august until december, this hunt can also be combined with alpine marmot hunt or with roe deer (for buck until emd of october) or red deer hunting. I have also a lot of black grouse and caprecaille which are hunted in may during their rutting season. If you want to have a nice time in the mountains and want to residence up in a hut with a beautiful view over the Alps combined with a great hunt on chamois or the other animals i have, you can contact me and make me some offer for some new hunting experiences for me.

ich spreche die Sprache:    Deutsch , Englisch
