Finland Sastamala
Mein Jagdangebot: Birkhuhn , Auerhuhn , Fasan , Europäischer Biber , Feldhase , Wildkaninchen , Marderhund , Rotfuchs , Reh , Weißwedelhirsch
ich möchte jagen: Damhirsch , Rothirsch , Reh , Wildschwein
I am 50 years old, 36 years old and have hunted very versatile in Finland, Europe and Africa. Game also as a profession (my second job). I have plenty of connections and opportunities for different types of hunting in southern Finland. In addition, a large cabin in the wilderness in Lapland (Inari). It's worth asking if something specific interests you. I am most interested in wild boar and also other game, offer..
ich spreche die Sprache: Englisch