United Kingdom (the) North ayrshire
Mein Jagdangebot: Reh
ich möchte jagen: Amerikanischer Bison , Schneeziege , Dickhornschaf , Gämse , Wasserreh , Europäischer Biber , Wisent , Damhirsch , Hausziege , Europäischer Mufflon , Bergriedbock , Maultierhirsch , Muntjak , Moschusochse , Rothirsch , Armenischer Mufflon , Sikahirsch , 139 , 140 , Weißwedelhirsch , Wildschwein , Truthuhn , Yak
I have to offer Roe deer shooting with several medal heads taken over the last few years on a large estate and munitions ground within 1 hour of Glasgow, willing to trade for pretty much anything of interest. Preferably Mouflon and Boar
ich spreche die Sprache: Englisch