finden Austausch Jagd:

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GB United Kingdom (the) Norfolk

Mein Jagdangebot:    Wasserreh , Fasan , Graugans , Stockente , Muntjak , Rothuhn , Reh

ich möchte jagen:    10 , Wildziege , Birkhuhn , Auerhuhn , Gämse , Wachtel , Europäischer Biber , Europäischer Dachs , Wisent , Damhirsch , Wolf , Haselhuhn , Himalaya-Tahr , ibex , Schraubenziege , Elch , Europäischer Mufflon , Waschbär , Rothirsch , Ren , Sibirischer Steinbock , Sibirisches Reh , Weißwedelhirsch , Wildschwein , Moorschneehuhn

I have Chinese Water Deer and Muntjac Stalking in both Bedfordshire and Norfolk. Taking around 10 medal heads a year, last year we had 7 Gold Medals, 2 Silver and 2 Bronze, along with numerous non medal representative animals. As I have taken a large number of CWD and muntjac I now prefer to swap them with like minded hunters, my hunting area extends to 8000 hectares I also have wildfowling on the Ouse Washes, where it is possible to shoot Teal, Mallard, Pochard, Wigeon, Shoveller, Tufted and Pintail Ducks and Canada and Greylag Geese, in one day. With my hunting partner we can host up to two guests at a time and would like to return on the same basis, or I can host just one hunter on my own. I am as interested in hunting in new countries with new animals and new people as hunting for CIC medals.

ich spreche die Sprache:    Englisch , Spanisch
