finden Austausch Jagd:

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GB United Kingdom (the) nottingham

Mein Jagdangebot:    Fasan , Damhirsch , Stockente , Muntjak , Ringeltaube

ich möchte jagen:    Gämse , Europäischer Biber , ibex , Europäischer Mufflon , Wildschwein

Hunting of the Muntjac and fallow is done mainly from high seats and on foot when ground and weather conditions allow.Mallard are shot flighting into ponds in the evenings some times Canada and greylag geese are available .wood pigeons are shot coming into woodland in the late afternoons,and red fox's are shot in the evenings with a lamp.At certain times Chinese water deer shooting also possible

ich spreche die Sprache:    Englisch
