finden Austausch Jagd:

Benutzer suchen

SK Slovakia Zemplín

Mein Jagdangebot:    Fasan , Damhirsch , Europäischer Mufflon , Rothirsch , Rotfuchs , Reh , Wildschwein

ich möchte jagen:    Amerikanischer Schwarzbär , Puma , Himalaya-Tahr , Elch , Vielfraß

Dear hunters! I offer interesting hunts on wonderful areas of Zemplin hills in Slovakia for all big game species found there. First class hunting area and accomodation guaranteed. I am after few successful swap hunts. I am looking for hunts all around the world to collect exciting animals for our hunting museum of which I am one of the founders and ofcourse for new hunting friends!

ich spreche die Sprache:    Englisch
