8 basic points of self-presentation on Exchngehunt.com

Autor: Frantisek Stolfa | 07.11.16

1. Your offer have to be interesting. First thing other users see will be profile picture of your offer. If you for example offer mouflon, roe deer or wild boar, is good to have as profile picture some nice photography of trophy or live animal.

2. Write more about exchange you offer. Describe for example hunt, how difficult is, how heavy can be trophy or how many CIC points, huw many animals is usually shot during driven hunt and too few words about accommodation or other activitis during stay with you.

3. Place to public gallery more pictures for better imagine about lansdcape in your hunting area and trophies. Be careful about size of pictures, maximum is 2 Mb. Try to choose representatative pictures!

4. Do not wait for offers from other users. Be active, search offers from other hunters and write them.

5. If you are experianced in hunting exchange and passed some, write short article about it and send to us. We will public it and link to your offer.

6. Try to move from „unchecked“ user (one cartridge) to „checked“ (two cartridges) or club member (three cartridges). Your credibility will increase. Checking can be done by us (we meet you, check if you realy offer what you have), by some our friends or according to recommendation from other users.

7. Reply to all received emails even if you can not agree users offer. Refuse is better than do not reply.

8. If you need our advice, help or similar, ask us.
