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NO Norway Skollenborg

I offer for hunt:    Eurasian beaver , Fishing , Foto wild nature

I would like hunt:    Roe deer , Wild boar

I will help you so your trip to expensive Norway become as cheap as possible. You stay at my cabin in the forest 500 meter up at the mountain. If the snow is not gone then you stay in my house with me and my family. If you stay in the cabin you make your own food, if you stay with me and my family you ofcause eat with my family. I have a boat with engine we can use ore if you like to hunt with cano we can also do this. I will be your hunting guide and find the beaver for you. You can shoot one maybe two eurasian beaver at my place, the local goverment decide how many we can shoot every year. The biggeste beavers is about 20 kilo but most of them is smaller so you have to be a good shooter. You need a good binocular with a big opening on your rifle because the beaver is often first out when the sun is nearly gone. You can also hunt on fox ofcause, we have quit a lot of fox on my farm and we hunt on them on night with light. Best time for beaver hunting in Norway is in the very end of april. I will also take you to some of the mountains in the arear if you want to see them and there is also the silvermines we can visit if you want (here you have to pay intrance). Looking forward to meet you and become friend with you :)

I speak:    English
